Looking for Admission in B.ed from Wbuttepa University West Bengal! Get B.ed course admission in Wbuttepa University West Bengal is another way for meeting their desires if one craves to be an educator. Numerous seminars, efficient exchange programs and intellectual activities are continuously organized to groom the teachers of the nation and are grilled hard to get them set to face any queer challenge they come across while in profession. The child oriented vision and mission of this university makes it stand out of the crowd and deliver the most experienced and skilled teachers.
Wbuttepa University does not believe in imparting education to the students in traditional methods rather latest updates are taken up consistently to deal with the evolving world and drastic development. Current situation of the society has absolutely changed the way an off springs thinks and so it becomes the responsibility of the teacher to understand the psychology of the pupils and deal with them in their way. The fragility of this profession has to be well considered instead of making it a source of money making. Thus, to deal with latest brain thoughts of our much developed adolescents, this university regularly takes up various workshops, presentations and interactions with some of the most skilled people of our nation. And this is how it rolls on with its progress.
This Bengal University B.ed Admissionmay not be much kown to North Indian people at earlier times but it has definitely left a benchmark for those into education. West Bengal University popularly known as Wbuttepa University is considered to be synonymous to creativity, victory, wisdom and spark. And it has definitely proved to be one of the most promising establishment which has constantly looked into the growth of teaching courses by considering the environmental factors along. Its distinct mission and its urge to fulfil the same has make it stand at supreme podium where it has the capability to influence most of those furiously inspired.
B. Ed. Programme
Objective | Direct B. Ed. Admission Through Counselling Management |
Eligibilty | Graduation |
State | Any state of India |
Eligibilty Graduation | General : 50% SC, ST OBC : 50% |
Duration | 2 Year |
Exam schedule | June - July |
Documents Required for Admission | 10th Marksheet 12th Marksheet Ist, IInd, and Final Year Graduation Marksheet SC, ST, OBC category certificate (Original) Migration Certificate Character Certificate Passport Size Photograph - 5 |
Registration | Please visit our Office (Click here) |
Syllabus | Download West Bengal B Ed Syllabus |
Registration / Admission | Download B Ed Admission Form |
Note 1:- Recognised by UGC & Approved By NCTE & Fully Valid for Govt. Jobs All Over India
B Ed in West Bengal
In exercise of the powers conferred by the Government of West Bengal (Memo No.329- Edn(CS)/EE/10M-16/15 dated 6th April, 2015), the Curriculum Committee hereby makes the following Regulations:
These regulations shall be called the Regulations (for the B.Ed. Programme), with effect from 2015.They shall apply to every candidate applying for admission, registration, conduct and conferment of the B.Ed. degree within the jurisdiction of this State i.e. West Bengal.Admissions, registrations, and conferment of B.Ed. Degree shall be guided by these regulations.
1. Course Structure:
The duration of this program is two academic years consisting of four semesters. The academic year shall commence from July 1st of every year. Each semester is roughly of 6 months uration including regular classes, assignments, practice teaching, and examinations. The program structure is as follows:
Semester |
Duration (Tentative) |
Activities |
I |
1 st July to 31st December (1st Year) |
1 st July to 30thNovember |
Theory Class, Engagement with Field and EPC 1 |
1 st December to 15th December |
Examination: Theory, Engagement with Field and EPC 1 Practical |
1 st December to 15th December |
Evaluation and Publication of Result (Semester Break for the Students) |
II |
1 st January to 30th June (1st Year) |
1 st January to 15thApril |
Theory Class, Engagement with Field and EPC 2 |
16thApril to 15thMay |
Teaching Internship (No External Evaluation) |
16th May to 31stMay |
Sharing the Experience with the Teacher Educators and engage with other Co-curricular activities |
1 st June to 15th June |
Examination: Theory, Engagement with Field and EPC 2 Practical |
16th June to 30th June |
Evaluation and Publication of Result (Semester Break for the Students) |
1 st July to 31st December (2nd Year) |
1 st July to 30thJuly |
Theory Class, Orientation in College for Pedagogy files of School subjects and Internship Teaching Skills. |
1 st August to 30th November |
Four months school Internship |
1 stDecember to 15th December |
Evaluation of School Internship |
16th December to 31st December |
Evaluation and Publication of Result (Semester Break for the Students) |
IV |
1 st January to 30th June (2nd Year) |
1 st January to 31st May |
Theory Class including Optional course, EPC 3 and EPC 4, Engagement with Field |
1 stJune to 15th June |
Theory, Engagement with Field and EPC 3 4 Practical |
16th June to 30th June |
Evaluation and Publication of Result (Semester Break for the Students) |
2. Criteria for B.Ed. Admission in west Bengal Programme:
Any candidate who has obtained 50% marks in Bachelor Degree /Master's Degree in Science/Social Science /Humanitiesor Bachelor in Engineering or Technology with specialization in Science and Mathematics with 55% marks are eligible for admission in B.Ed Programme. For admission, the Institution follows the prevalent rules as prescribed by The NCTE Regulations, 2014(published in The Gazette of India: Extraordinary, Part �III, Sec-4, dated 01.12.2014). Mode of admission is based on the total score obtained from his/her Secondary, H.S, Graduation and Post- Graduation. Relaxation of the percentage of marks for reserved category candidate will be as per State Govt. rules. Intake capacity is as per NCTE, State Govt. other statutory bodies.
3. B Ed Registration in West Bengal:
As per University guidelines.
4. West Bengal B Ed Examination policy:
a. Pattern of questions for theoretical examination:
(For 50 marks)
2 marks X 5 Objective type questions (Out of 7) = 10 marks
5 marks X 6 Short type/Short note questions (Out of 8) = 30 marks
10 marks X 1 Essay type question (Out of 3) = 10 marks
(For 25 Marks)
2 marks X 5 Objective type questions (Out of 7) = 10 marks
5 marks X 3 Short type/Short note questions (Out of 5) = 15 marks
b. The Semester examination will be conducted in the combination of Semester I/III along with Semester II/IV (Supplementary) in December and Semester II/IV along with Semester I/III
(Supplementary) in June of the year.
c. Spot evaluation procedures are to be followed for examining the theory course in respective semester and the result for each semester is to be published before commencement of following semester.
d. A candidate shall have to clear his B.Ed course of studies within the Six (6) consecutive chances (i.e within three year from his/her date of admission). e. A candidate shall have to secure 40% marks separately in each course of each Semester to be declared as successful in B.Ed. Examination.
f. A Candidate shall have to secure the requisite pass marks (50%) in the theory paper / practicum/ viva (in each module) separately.
g. A candidate who fails to secure 50% marks in one or two courses in a semester shall be declared as back candidate in that semester.
h. A candidate who fails to secure 50% marks in more than two courses in a semester shall be declared as failed in that semester.
i. A candidate if failed in a particular semester shall have to appear the whole semester. In case the candidate passes in practicum and viva-voce in any Semester examination then his /her practicum/ viva-voce marks may be carried forward.
j. A candidate who has duly filled in his examination form and paid the fees, but remain absent in any course(s) of any of the semester examinations will be deemed to have failed in that/those course(s).
k. If any candidate does not enrol himself for appearing at any Semester examination he/she shall be deemed to have lost one chance.
l. A back paper candidate shall have to clear his/her back course(s) within two more consecutive chances such that his/her total number of appearance in all the semester never be more than six(as stated in 4 b).
m. In any stage it is found that the candidate cannot complete all the semesters within stipulated six chances, immediately the candidate will be declared as Disqualified (DSQ) candidate and the candidate shall have to leave or discontinue the course.
n. After appearing at any Semester examination, a candidate may opt for cancellation of his/her enrolment at the said examination for which he has to write to the Controller of Examinations through the Head of the Institution to which he is attached within 15 (fifteen) days of completion of theory examination as well as before the publication of the result.
o. Each candidate appearing in the B.Ed. examination shall submit the examination form duly filled in together with prescribed fees within stipulated time period before each semester.
p. A candidate should get enrolled /registered for the first semester examination. If enrolment/registration is not possible owing to shortage of attendance beyond condonation limit / rules prescribed OR belated joining OR on medical grounds, such candidates are not permitted to proceed to the next semester. Such candidates shall redo the semester in the subsequent term of that semester as a regular student; however, a student of first semester shall be admitted in the second semester, if he/she has successfully kept the term in first semester.
q. The proposed curriculum of B. Ed. programme as per NCTE Regulations, 2014 shall replace the existing content and structure of B. Ed. programme. r. Notwithstanding anything covered in the above regulations, Hon�ble Vice Chancellor shall have the authority to exercise his/her decretory power from time to time.
5. School Internship:
6. Duration of Examination:
In written examination for B.Ed., all 50 marks paper will be of two hours and all 25 marks aper will be of one hour duration.
7. Medium of instructions writing in examination:
In all the examinations, question papers shall be framed bilingually (except Language method)and answers should be written in English or Bengali (except Language).
8. Eligibility for appearing semester exams:
As per University In addition to the above clause, for B.Ed., to be eligible for filling�NCTE guidelines. Condonation: Student must have 80% of attendance in Theory and 90% attendance in practicum in each course for appearing the examination. Students who have 79% to 65% of attendance shall apply for Condonation in the prescribed form with the prescribed fee. Students who have 64% to 50% of attendance shall apply for Condonation in prescribed form with the prescribed fee along with the Medical Certificate/ any other certificate with reasonable ground. Students who have below 50% of attendance are not eligible to appear for the examination. Submission of all the components of internal assessment (assignments, projects etc.) is the essential precondition for appearing semester end examinations under normal circumstances.�up forms of 4th semester examination candidate should complete 16 weeks of internship programme.
9. Promotion to the next semester:
The student will automatically be promoted tothe next and subsequent semester immediately after completion of one semester course irrespective of the performance at the examination concerned provided he/ she has appeared in the preceding semester examinations or filled up the form for that particular semester examination.
10. Rules for Review:
Candidates seeking review may apply to the Institution in a prescribed form along with requisite fees within 7 working days from the date of issue of mark-sheet subject to the following conditions:
a. Application for review shall be restricted to theoretical papers only, and no application for re- examination in any practical / oral / internal assessment / dissertation / project / seminar/field work, etc. , shall be entertained.
b. A candidate will have the option of getting his answer scripts reviewed in not more than one full paper or not more than two half papers of a semester if he secures at least 40% of the total marks in remaining papers/half papers of that semester.
c. In case marks awarded in a paper on review exceeds the original marks obtained by more than 15% of the total marks in the paper or falls more than 15% of the original marks in the paper, the script will be referred to a third examiner and the candidate will be awarded based on the average of the best two of the marks awarded by the two examiners.
11. Rules and procedure for providing the Photocopy(ies) of assessed answer book/s:
a. The facility of showing Photo copy/ies of assessed answer-book/s to the examinee is extended with a view to bring transparency in the examination system and ensure its credibility.
b. This facility shall be applicable for theory papers only.
c. The prescribed application form for showing Photocopy/ies of answer books shall have to be filled and signed by the applicant examinee only.
d. Collection submission of application form along with requisite fees should be within seven working days from the declaration of results
12. Supplementary Examination:
12.1. If a candidate is unsuccessful at the examination on account of failure to secure pass marks or unfit for appearing the examination for unforeseen situation, there will be a provision of supplementary examination. If the candidate obtains pass marks in the subject(s) at the supplementary examination he shall be declared to have passed the examination as a whole. For seeking supplementary examination candidate should apply to the Controller of Examinations, in a prescribed form along with requisite fees.
12.2. If a candidate is unsuccessful at the 1st semester examination he/she can apply for supplementary examination held during 3rd semester examination provided he has obtained at least 40% marks in the aggregate of other theoretical papers (Passed) excluding the marks of failed subjects. If the candidate is unsuccessful at the 2nd semester examination then he/she can apply for appearing in the 4th semester examination. If he/she passed in it he shall be declared to have passed the examination as a whole without losing his year but he shall lose his/her rank of merit.
12.3. If a candidate is again unsuccessful in 1st semester supplementary examination then he/she can apply for appearing next semester examination and if he/she passes in it he/she shall be declared to pass the examination as a whole and his/her rank of merit shall be lost.
12.4. If a candidate is again unsuccessful in the first supplementary examination he/she will apply for appearing supplementary examination which will be held along with: 1st sem. Examination in next session for 1st semester Course/papers and 2nd semester Examination in next session for 2nd sem. Course/papers.
12.5. The candidate shall be required to clear all back papers within three academic years from the year of the admission into the programme. If however, those who fail to clear within the above period, they shall be required to appear all the papers in subsequent years as per the rules and regulation prevalent during that period but their internal assessment marks shall be carried over.
12.6. Rules for the Tabulation of Results (One mark deficiency rule):vIf a candidate is unsuccessful in any practical papers in first semester examination he/she can apply for supplementary examination held along with next semester end examination. His/Her previous semester end examination marks (Theory) shall be carried over.
If a candidate fails in any course (Theory/ practicum/ viva voice) by 1 mark only then he/she shall be awarded that deficient mark to pass the examination and that shall not be shown in the mark-sheet but shall be shown in the Tabulation Rolls by adding (+) 1 mark to the Course/ Practicum / Viva-voce score. The candidates who have failed in one or more subjects for deficiency of one mark only or missed to obtain 60% (1st class) or 55% in aggregate(in all the semesters)by one mark only, be given one mark and allowed to pass in the subject/s or be placed in the aforesaid status. One mark should be added by plus sign in the subject/s or in the aggregate in the tabulation sheet but in the mark-sheet only totalized marks should be shown. The same shall be applicable for SC/ST candidates only, who have missed to obtain 50% marks in aggregate by one mark only.
13. Issuance of Degree:
After declaration of final result of the B.Ed. program each successful candidate shall receive a Degree/Certificate in prescribed format with the seal and signature of the Vice-Chancellor of the University.
14. Revision of regulation and Curriculum:
The competent authority may from time to time revise, amend and change the regulations and the curriculum, if found necessary.
15. Discipline:
All students shall be required to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the students of a national institution of high reputation, within and outside the precincts of the institution.
Unsocial activities like ragging in any form shall not be permitted within or outside the precincts of the institution and the students found indulging in them shall be dealt with severely and dismissed from the institution.
Which is the best university B.Ed course?
A directly enrolled student will be awarded Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) degree after successful completion of two years course.
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